Can the fresh-keeping film be heated in a microwave oven?

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At present, the research department of the Association for Cross-Strait Relations has once again become the focus of attention of compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. After Vice Premier Qian Qichen elaborated on the importance of the 1992 Consensus for the resumption of the dialogue between the Association of Taiwan and the Taiwan Seabed Foundation and breaking the political deadlock on January 24, the leaders of the Taiwan authorities still insisted on denying and distorting the 1992 Consensus. In November 1992, the two sessions found a solution to the problem of how to show the attitude of adhering to the one-China principle in the settlement of transactional negotiations, and reached a consensus on how to verbally express that both sides of the Taiwan Strait adhere to the one-China principle. In order to safeguard the basis of the negotiations between the two conferences, reveal the significance of cross-strait negotiations, and clarify the distortions and slanders of the "92 Consensus" by the Taiwan authorities, it is necessary to clarify once again the formation process and relevant contents of the "92 Consensus" to Taiwan compatriots and the international community.
The mainland side has always advocated resolving differences between the two sides through peaceful negotiations and achieving national reunification. Since the end of 1987, the isolation of compatriots across the Straits has been broken. With the vigorous development of cross-strait economic and trade exchanges, personnel exchanges and various exchanges, cross-strait compatriot exchanges have become increasingly close. Faced with the specific problems arising from cross-strait exchanges, the Taiwan authorities have to adjust the "three non-policies" of "non-contact, non-compromise and non-negotiation", establish the Taiwan Straits Exchange Foundation, and conduct contacts and discussions with the mainland on matters of affairs. In view of the fact that the relevant documents of the Taiwan authorities clearly indicate that they adhere to the one-China principle and pursue national reunification, and that the purpose of establishing the association is "China, goodwill and service", the mainland side of the motherland agrees to conduct affairs in order to promote cross-strait exchanges, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, and improve and develop cross-strait relations. Sexual negotiation and the establishment of the Cross Strait Relations Association in December 16, 1991.
At the beginning of the cross-strait business negotiations, based on the objective reality of China's internal affairs in cross-strait exchanges, the Association proposed that the one-China principle must be adhered to in the negotiations and agreements; as long as the basic attitude of adhering to one-China is demonstrated, the political implications of one-China can not be discussed; and the way of expression can be adequate. Consultation.
On August 1, 1992, the National Unification Commission of the Taiwan authorities reached a "conclusion" on the meaning of "one China" in the negotiations between the two conferences. It said, "Both sides of the Taiwan Strait adhere to the principle of"one China", but the meanings given by both sides are different." Taiwan is a part of China, but mainland China It is also part of China "; the Taiwan authorities have" formulated the national unification program and carried out a unified pace ". This "conclusion" demonstrates the Taiwan authorities'position of recognizing Taiwan as a part of Chinese territory and "adhering to the one-China principle on both sides of the Taiwan Strait" and pursuing reunification.
In order to further demonstrate the attitude of the Association and create conditions for the two sessions to reach a specific expression, the head of the Association made a speech on August 27, pointing out that this "conclusion" confirms that "both sides of the Taiwan Strait adhere to the one-China principle" and that "clarifying this point is of great significance to cross-strait business negotiations. It shows that: At the same time, in view of the content of this "conclusion" which the mainland side of the motherland disagrees with, the head of the Association also clearly stated: "I will disagree with Taiwan's understanding of the meaning of"one China". We advocate "peaceful reunification, one country, two systems" and oppose "two Chinas", "one China, one Taiwan" and "two equivalent political entities" consistently.
From October 28 to 30, 1992, the Association and the Seabed Foundation continued their working discussions on the issue of "the use of cross-strait notarial certificates" in Hong Kong. As to how to express the adherence to the one-China principle in the text of the agreement, the two sides have put forward five written schemes respectively, but they have not reached a consensus. Subsequently, the representative of the Haiji Foundation "suggested that within the scope of mutual acceptance, each side should state its position orally", and put forward three oral expression schemes. The eighth one is: "In the process of joint efforts on both sides of the Straits to seek national reunification, both sides adhere to the one-China principle, but for the other side, they adhere to the one-China principle." The meaning of China is different from that of China. This oral expression is read out word by word by the representative of the Sea Foundation Association and recorded by the representative of the Association on the spot.
After studying the eighth case of the Sea Foundation, the Association believes that this plan shows the attitude of the Taiwan authorities and the SEF in seeking unity and adhering to the one-China principle. Although it proposes that the meaning of "one-China" is "different from each other", there are no words specifically related to the political meaning of "one-China", and the Association has always been the leader of the Association. Zhang "In business negotiations, as long as we show our attitude of adhering to the one-China principle, we will not discuss the political implications of one-China". On November 16, after receiving the formal reply of the letter of 3 November from the Sea Foundation to "have obtained the consent of the competent authorities to express themselves orally", the Association sent a letter to the Sea Foundation expressing its consent to show its attitude of adhering to the one-China principle in their respective oral expressions, and proposed that the main point of the Association's oral expression should be "Straits". Both sides adhere to the one China principle and strive for national reunification. But in the cross-strait business sex talks, it does not involve the political implication of one China. The association also attached the eighth plan of the SEF to the letter by way of attachments. In December 3rd, there was no objection to the letter from the SEF. So far, the two sides have reached a consensus that both sides of the Taiwan Strait adhere to the one-China principle verbally. August 12, 1993